Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone a Joyous and Merry Christmas! Have a fun and safe holiday season!

Bill and Audrina

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Finals Week...Yay!

I'm really not that excited over finals...I just couldn't think of another title. It's kind of nice this semester, I only have three actual finals...and one of them is online to take. For two other classes I only have to do a presentation and turn stuff in. The best part about this semester...I don't have to do a jury for my piano lessons!!! I mean...I did have a really big jury earlier in the semester with my senior recital, but still.

Audrina only has four finals of course. She's been able to work on one of her's for the past three or four weeks though...and one of them will only take about 20 minutes. I swear, every other major is easier than music ed. I picked the wrong field to go into.

Granted...neither one of us is the brain from The Breakfast Club, but I think we'll do alright.
(Image taken from

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just wanted to wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time with family and friends...just don't eat too much turkey or pie.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Joining the Family

So, I thought that since two of my cousins and my sister had a blog...I'd get one too. I know it doesn't look like much now, but it will eventually. I thought this would be some way to keep everyone updated on what's going on in Clarion and what Audrina and I are up to.

Last week Dri and I started decorating our apartment for Christmas. It's a little earlier than we like to decorate, but we thought that since we'd be home for most of Christmas break we'd decorate early so we could actually enjoy it. Here's a couple pictures from around the apartment (sorry for the crappy quality...that's a cell phone for ya.)

We also recently signed the lease for a new apartment starting in the summer. It's about a block down the street from our place now so it won't be that difficult to move, thankfully. The only bad thing about it is it's on the second floor and we've got to walk a little farther to get to our car. But it is a really nice place so we're willing to deal with that.

Pretty much all we're doing now is just looking forward to Thanksgiving break and having a lot of homemade food to eat. It'll sure be better than ice cream and Ramen all the time.